Centers listed below are: -
Area | Address | Contact number |
| C-9, Green Park Extn.(basement) | Ashok Ji- 26562606/26611097 |
| Road no.-44, Community Center, pocket-24, | Naresh Agarwal- 9810111905 |
| A-2/32, | Kirti Ved - 9818101370 |
| H.No-37, Road No-2, East punjabi bagh. | Ms.Raj Rathee - 28316423 |
| 12, Vigyan Lok, ND-92 | Rashmi Gupta – 9810379194. |
| H-344, !st Floor, New Rajender Nagar. | Dr. Neena Madan – 9810013177. |
Noida | | Sandeep Roy – 9310132484, 0120-3263718. |
Gurgaon | C-36, Sushant Lok-I | Ruchi Rai - 9810722445 |
| C-1/45. Palam Vihar, Gurgaon. | Mohan Ji- 0124-2368100 |
| | Dr.D.P.Sharma- 9911101830 |
| | Sandeep Rajwanshiji - 9210877771 |
| | |
Timing of depositing goods in the centers is– 11am to 4pm.
We urgently require: - Anybody who wants to
Come forward to work and take flood relief seva
as a volunteer can give three names to us.
Area coordinators are specially requested to collect
things at their end and send it to their respective
centers as per list above. This has been arranged for their convenience.
Area coordinators are specially requested to collect things at their end and send it to their respective centers as per list above. This has been arranged for their convenience.
(Sangeeta Anand Ji
Mob. no.- 09811335074. (
& Indu Sinha ( = In charge of "Bihar Flood Relief"